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When things are going well in our lives, we seldom require the support of others. We are able to handle situations within our means. However due to the endless uncertainties and unpredictable nature of life, there often comes a time when we need the help of others to be able to navigate through life. 

In such times, our relationships are tested. Understandably, every individual has personal hurdles to overcome in life thus there is no easy life for anyone - that is the reality of human existence. There is always a need to be met.

It is therefore a privilege for anyone to shelve his or her personal and primary obligations to make time to offer support to others. This is not exclusive to finances. It stretches far into the scope of emotional, spiritual, physical, psychological, educational and social support. In fact, the greatest support any individual can offer others is his or her time and presence for they will never be recovered again - at least not in the same form or instance it is given.

It is therefore necessary to be mindful of such support systems in life. Admittedly, some people may only afford to offer a one-time support but it is still an honour that should not be taken lightly. Some individuals are consistent in offering a specific kind of support to others and they ought to also receive due appreciation by the recipients.

Sometimes, the value of appreciation is taken for granted especially when the recipient is able to rise above the prevailing challenges to have a better life. They tend to forget the people on whose shoulders they stood to attain the feat of success. This is sad!

This is not to say that one ought to idolise those who offer support to him or her for a lifetime or remain indebted. Rather, it is to admonish us all on the need to remember kindness shown and not abuse it in any form.

Additionally, it is necessary to eschew any attitude of a sense of entitlement to receiving support or favours from others. It is imperative to identify that no one is obliged to show us kindness or support of any kind therefore when anyone goes out of his or her way to be present for us, we need to be grateful.

Gratitude or appreciation is not a fixed action guided by systematic principles. It can be expressed in several ways. Nonetheless, it should also not be an avenue to avail oneself for exploitation by others. No one should be coerced into engaging in activities that are detrimental to his or her personal goals or beliefs in the bid to express appreciation or gratitude. All being said, during the next occasion which calls for expression of gratitude, I hope you will remember to be grateful.

Notwithstanding this, I hope you will not be complacent and settle in the space of only always showing gratitude without making any effort to reciprocate good deeds to others - not only your benefactor but any other individual who needs your help on the planet!


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