Quite often, there is the tendency to share too much detailed information about certain events or activities happening in our lives with others close to us for various reasons. This may be caused by the need for validation or appreciation, empathy, sympathy, support or maybe just out of excitement to share good news with those we care about and assume care about us as well.
Usually in the moment of excitement, we do not cross-examine ourselves or the person we are sharing the information with as much as we ought to on the need to give out the information. We give out the information with the belief that it will be kept privately between us and the receiving person(s). Sadly, this is not the reality in most cases. Except in rare cases where we appreciate that it is classified information, we do not remember to sound a note of caution for the information to be kept private. Sometimes even if we do, it still gets out to others. We just let it go hoping it will stay there. Unfortunately in most cases, it doesn't! Why?
The friend you confide in is also a friend to other people. Your best friend also has a best friend who also has a best friend and the pattern is endless. Therefore, the moment you let out personal information to any individual, you must consider the fact that it could be disclosed to another person who was not present during that interaction.
The question then is; can't I ever
share information with others? Surely, you may! However, you need be mindful of
the fact that it could become public information either intentionally or by
accident. You have to prepare yourself to deal with the worst case scenario if
that is the outcome. By all means, no one is an Island so
we do have seasons of vulnerability when we just need to let it out to get
support to deal with the issues.
Definitely among humans who are generally not trustworthy, there are genuine people who will safeguard our information with their life! They may not be many but they do exist. These special persons may not only listen but will journey further with us to offer sincere support when it matters most. They are treasures walking on earth - treat them well.
Until you meet such rare people, please try hard to keep that information to yourself. Besides, ask yourself whether it is really necessary to divulge that particular information you are eager to share. What benefit would it yield to you as the giver of the information as well as the recipient? Until you can satisfactory answer these questions and other probing ones, do refrain from making any disclosures no matter how difficult it may be.
If the world doesn't know what you are up to, it cannot act upon it in any manner which can affect you. You alone have the power to keep it quiet. Will you?