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Somebody has hurt you terribly and the pain is eating deep into every fibre of your being. You are desperate for an escape of revenge to at least cause the individual to feel same or at least similar anguish. Just then the person comes up to you and says "Forgive me, I am sorry!". Ah, is that intended to be enough to wipe away every emotion you are dealing with as a consequence of the action performed against you?

What if, the person doesn't even have the courtesy to admit the wrong done against you and expects that life would move on from that situation as though it never happened. Tough right? Well, I re-introduce to you an already known valuable principle of life - FORGIVENESS!

Forgiveness is a choice or decision one makes to let go of resentment towards someone for the hurt experienced by his or her actions. To forgive means that pardon is being granted by the offended and there is no desire to punish the offender. To be able to sincerely forgive is to let go of any blame on the offender party and move on from the place of pain, bitterness and anguish.

Forgiveness is not easy to uphold especially when the incidence of hurt goes further than personal upset to reputational damage. The situation is even more dire when it is one in which you may not get an opportunity to defend your innocence for vindication. In such instances where you face instant condemnation and persecution with no room for redress, forgiveness may be most difficult to offer.

However, it is rather in such torturous moments that you ought to make the effort to forgive. This is essential as forgiveness:
1. sets you free and gives you a tranquil mind to go about life.
2. casts off the burden of bitterness.
3. relieves you from the anxiety you may face anytime you meet the person(s)
4. sets your heart at peace with all persons.
5. saves you the anguish of seeking revenge.

While this list is inexhaustible, research has shown that individuals who are forgiving in nature tend to live long with a healthy heart.

Forgiveness is recommended to you with no coercion on continuing to keep contact or a relationship with the individual(s) involved.

Understandably, some hurt may be too difficult to keep a relationship however extending a heart of forgiveness means you have made your peace and can move on where necessary.

Though there should be no enmity, there is no compulsion to remain friends. Cordiality will not hurt you much if you can afford it. Still, be guided and open-minded that anything is possible.

"By all means, forgive but be guided by the lessons of every life situation."


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