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I have observed that we live in a world where we make assumptions and jump to misleading and defamatory conclusions far too quickly on issues without seeking valid verification on the information we have received from others or perhaps created ourselves.

We go about spreading same news especially when it's negative and often tarnish the image and reputation of the individual or parties involved without any thought on the impact such negative information and built public misconception will have on the life and emotions of the individual or the parties involved.

Strangely enough, those who peddle such unfounded and baseless ill rumours are close acquaintances of the parties involved in the rumours and they could have easily verified the information or otherwise from the main sources or the individual subjects of concern.

It is disheartening that the perceived close allies of such victims, as I will call them, become the torchbearers of such demeaning acts. It is heart-breaking that such acts are most prevalent in the workplace, school and especially the Christian community...

Today, I write passionately to you my friend. That before you go about peddling unverified and naïve rumours about anyone, please pause just for a second and ask yourself these few questions;

1. What benefit(s) will spreading such information bring to me, the person I am giving the information to or the parties involved?

2. Can I verify from the right source before making any pronouncements in public or private to others?

3. Is it really necessary for me to disclose such information about another person?

4. Rather than spread such rumours to potentially cause harm and often irreparable damage to the individual (s), how can I help the person in a positive manner?

5. Finally, how would people's reaction to this information affect the life, reputation and especially emotional, psychological, social and mental well-being of the individual or parties involved in the "false" rumours being spread far and wide?

Even in the law courts, every accused person is innocent until proven guilty! However, such misguided news spread make involved parties guilty and in some cases they may never be given the opportunity to prove their innocence.

Emotional and Psychological Distress is a silent and torturous killer. Depression and anxiety are real mental health conditions which steal the peace and joy one has in life and threatens the existence of it's victim(s) while posing dire consequences for the family and friends of such person(s).

My dear friend, I hope that you remember my words to you this day, the next time you pick a phone or engage in an in-person conversation with other persons about an individual (s) who you have no valid and authentic information about.

The world is already difficult and distressing as it stands. You may never comprehend the struggles people are striving to survive and live through.

Be thoughtful... If you cannot offer support to individuals facing challenging situations, please try to be kind enough, not to hurt them by your actions and false rumour mongering!

The reformation starts with YOU and I! 


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