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Health conditions are not new to anyone. This is because almost every human being suffers from one health challenge or the other. Some are visible while others are not. Some can be treated with medications over a few days while others take a few weeks or months to heal. In some instances, health conditions are chronic. 

That is to say, they can only be managed with some medicines or therapy or a combination of both to help alleviate the pain and discomfort they would otherwise have caused the individual but they have no permanent cure. They last a lifetime. In some of these cases, the individual has to remain on these medications or therapy subject to review depending on prevailing situations like aging, other health conditions, financial abilities, etc. The list of such conditions is inexhaustible so I shall not make any attempt to list them.

The essence of this reflection is hinged on these chronic conditions and how they affect the lives of the affected individuals, caregivers, family, occupation, as well as their general wellbeing. Chronic conditions may seem like regular conditions because many individuals are managing them but despite this reality they deal with, there is the other aspect of how it affects their social life which is sometimes overlooked.

Imagine taking medications thrice a day as a measure of your survival or dealing with the hard reality that your life will never be as "normal" as it used to be. How about the financial burden it may cost you and the acknowledgement that you cannot engage in some activities and way of life ever again as you did before. Daunting right? However, this is the challenge of many of us out there.

Today's reflection is a message of warmth, comfort and strength to such individuals and those in their immediate cycle of influence. It may be a difficult change but healing comes in different forms.
Perhaps in such cases of chronic conditions, healing may mean learning new ways to adapt to the condition:
  • Understand the new condition and know that you are not alone.
  • Identify and avoid triggering situations that worsen your state.
  • Find a safe space to rediscover your abilities irrespective of the condition.
  • Appreciate that your cure may simply mean a positive form of psychological healing.
  • Make peace with yourself and live happily the best way you can afford to.
The above may seem difficult to reach but it is definitely not impossible. Remember, there is no shame in having to heal differently. Instead, it means you are courageous, fearless and a fighter.

Refer to 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 for a biblical perspective. Whatever chronic conditions we may be managing now, I hope we find the needed fortitude to realign with ourselves anew and break boundaries.

To the brave caregivers and family who stand as that firm thread to bind up the brokenness of family members who are unwell, your reward is greater than any on earth. You are the gleaming light holding up the fragile hearts.

I hope we can all learn to heal differently and beautifully in body, mind, soul and spirit regardless of the diagnosis!


  1. Very insightful and inspiring. Kudos

  2. Awesome. And I believe this will encourage someone out there. Thanks for sharing 🙏

    1. The pleasure is mine. Please remember to share for the benefit of others


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