Have you ever wondered why a situation which once brought you immense happiness only becomes a memory of the past after a while? How about that person(s) whose actions you felt you could never get over because the burden was too heavy to carry? Well, this may probably be because times change and our responses to happenings in a particular time or season are equally subject to change.
Time may not heal all our wounds or take away sad memories but with the passage of time, we learn to adjust to life as it comes. Time has a way of opening us up to experience new and daring perspectives above everything beyond what we ever imagined.
Time will help us appreciate the things we ought to fight for and those we have to let go of as we grow. Time gives us an opportunity to live with any pain or disappointment and learn new ways of coping. The passage of time thus exposes the people who are genuine and those who aren't in our lives.
Time gives reason to hope again and relive the memories that matter often in a better way than before. Time also gives us the experiences we need to shape our thoughts, emotions and actions in life. We eventually gain maturity, insight and a better sense of appreciation of life with changing times. Impossibilities become possible and dreams give way to reality as we make our way through time.
This may seem difficult to grasp especially when we feel so convinced that a situation may not change at the time we expect it to.
However, when life gets cloudy, I urge us to make time in the midst of the heat to give ourselves time to ponder over the difference time can make in your situation. By all means, allow yourself to go through all the possible phases of emotions but do not be overpowered by them because time will surely bring change regardless of the package in which it may present itself.
Be reassured that whatever is happening in your life doesn't define your absolute end in life; in time there is so much room for a difference.
Every choice starts and ends with your definition of the times, just yours!
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