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In ending each year, it is common for many individuals and even groups to set resolutions for the ensuing year. Some individuals might have achieved set resolutions for previous years but same may not be said for others who, for some reasons, could not achieve theirs. Regardless of how the year turned out vis-à-vis the set resolutions, aspirations or goals, being alive is the best gift anyone can possess in the year. We may not be able to undo much about the year ending, however in the year ahead and those beyond, here is a twelve-point food for thought that can contribute to make the new year meaningful.

1. January: Be kind to and tend yourself: Quite often, we are so engrossed in working hard to earn an income as well as make other significant strides; thus we tend to be very hard on ourselves. We forget to take care of ourselves or show kindness to our person. It is important to be considerate of ourselves and put our needs first. Highly significant is the need to prioritise our health. Instead of being reactive and waiting until we fall gravely ill before seeking medical attention, let us endeavour to make regular routine check-ups a lifestyle. Forgive yourself more and give better care to your emotional, mental, psychological and physical well-being. Eat healthy meals, exercise as much as practicable and make time to rest.

2. February: Set realistic goals: Goal setting is crucial in helping us chart our path of life in alignment with our purpose, needs and aspirations. Goals drive us to work towards achieving our aspirations. However, they must be set considering our peculiar strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). This will guide us to set goals that are within our reach based on our available resources. This does not prevent us from desiring to achieve big dreams; it rather helps us to do a proper assessment of what is within our means for maximum effectiveness.

3. March: Save for a rainy day: No individual is obliged to support us financially regardless of the relationship we may share with them. It is, therefore, essential to always prepare ourselves to be our own support during the inevitable and unforeseen situations of life. While it may seem difficult from the beginning, gradually building a saving culture can prove to be a beneficial backup support. Life is too uncertain to live by the day. It is not late to start, no matter how small.

4. April: Plan, Plan, Plan: No one knows what the future holds but planning helps guard against avoidable regrets and failures in life. Also, whatever we seek to pursue, we need to consciously develop a plan from its inception until its execution. During the actual execution process, we may not necessarily follow the planned details to the letter in all cases but planning cushions us. It prevents us from encountering setbacks which could truncate the entire process. Planning is time consuming but the ability to build resilience and fully map out a good plan actually means we are halfway through execution of the project.

5. May: Set boundaries: Boundary setting in relationships is somehow taken for granted by most of us. We do not set restrictions to our activities and social interactions thus we end up spending a lot of time solely on socialising instead of channelling the chunk of that time into other equally important activities. This is done at the expense of our health, work, education, spirituality and sometimes family time. There is no obligation to honour events which will end up being detrimental to our wellbeing. It is important to consider issues carefully before making commitments. Also, we need to be able to disengage from relationships that are inimical to our personal beliefs, positive growth and development and general progress in life.

6. June: Practice Prayer and Meditation: Communication with God is crucial to our life journey. It is necessary to make time for personal prayer, meditation and fellowship with God in whom we believe. Community worship is good however, we must be equally devoted to a personal and intimate connection with God. There is no limit to staying in tune with God as He is ever ready to receive us, even when we seek him late.
7. July: Minimise expectations: Both covert and overt expectations of self and significant others have a tendency of causing undue pressure, stress, financial, emotional and psychological discomfort to all. When we expect less of our self and others, it keeps our standards in check. We must be able to say no respectfully and decline offers that are beyond our capabilities. Likewise, we must not begrudge anyone for their inability to meet our requests.

8. August: Practice Patience: To exercise patience especially in overwhelming situations is a skill that we ought to develop somehow. Patience means our ability to tolerate hurtful or annoying situations, be forbearing and build self-restraint. Patience makes us powerful in that we are able to overcome obstacles through rationality and objectivity. Practicing patience helps us to minimise outbursts and remorseful consequences which may arise from acting in a rush!

9. September: Be measured in revealing intentions: Sometimes we are tempted to reveal our personal intentions and projects prematurely to others. While this may be done with no malice, it may prove to be unhealthy and disruptive to us as we strive to attain our goals. It may be worthwhile to run intentions by an individual or two who have direct impact and influence on the outcome of our plan or activity. However, seeking the opinion of too many people may serve as a hindrance or perhaps create confusion in our minds. It is vital to remind oneself of the whys which prompted the decision to embark on any activity when in doubt rather than seek external validation.

10. October: Extend support to others within your means: Everyone needs someone thus we ought to be willing to offer support to others whenever we possibly can. This does not imply that we should show off or give more than we actually can reasonably afford. Helping others should not be with the intention of receiving an equal measure. Whenever we reach out to others, let it be considered unto us as an irreversible token of generosity for which we desire no repayment. Do not give to others only to fumble or regret later and be mindful of not broadcasting such gestures.

11. November: Choose peace over everything: Peace of mind is a rare gift we can offer ourselves. Choosing peace means walking away from situations that do not edify us, letting go of anything or anyone that holds us back in achieving our purpose in life and keeping our mind in a tranquil state. Peace entails having a clear conscience and living in the moment trusting that our choices are the best with no regrets on our trail.

12. December: Have a credit list & Allow yourself to dream: Always remind yourself of the great feats you achieve no matter how little it seems. This will be your personal self-motivation journal and check to break barriers. If you can dream it, you can definitely achieve it. With the right environment, support, willpower, resilience and determination, nothing is impossible to achieve. The limits we face are only those we place on ourselves!

When you rediscover and choose you, you can accomplish anything & everything as a champion!


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