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Life has a way of throwing us off our intended course often. It is either our set goals are unmet due to choices made with insufficient information or as a result of circumstances far beyond our control as mortals. In most cases, this frightens us and when we are unable to quickly recover, our life may become miserable, stagnated or perhaps enter a phase of absolute halt.

However, I have come to appreciate that probably the word - CHALLENGE(s) gives more openings than we may acknowledge. This is probably because during the times when we find ourselves in a situation that CHALLENGES us, we are shaken beyond our usual scope of reach. Let us reflect on an untapped angle to challenges we encounter in life:

Some dictionaries define the word CHALLENGE as (an invitation to take part or compete in something/a call to prove or justify something/a dire/a bid/to question something, a situation, a person etc)...

Thus in perceiving a situation as a CHALLENGE in life, be it in relation to education, society, career, finances, religion, family etc, I am inclined to reflect that we actually have a choice to assume a more positive light, attitude and action to the incidence. Sadly we usually perceive any CHALLENGE we encounter in the aspect of it bearing negative implications.

On the contrary, I daresay that CHALLENGES occur to propel us out of our normal state into a daring state as a new normal. It offers us the opportunity to drive ourselves to a transforming position that may be new but eventually rewarding. Until we face CHALLENGES, we consider ourselves at our best place. However, this is a fallacy because we are far greater than we often CHALLENGE ourselves to be. We are comfortable settling in routines that do not compel and propel us to seemingly unattainable feats since we delight in following the footprints of others. How about carving a new path for others to follow?

Today, my friend, the world is moving at a frightening pace where normal is no longer satisfying or good enough. I therefore CHALLENGE you to question your normalcy and set the tone for excellence above your wildest imagination. Will it be tough? YES! Will you have to stand alone? YES! But most importantly, Will it make you an ICON and a WINNER over that particular situation? Surely, I say a BIG YES!

Have you been driven out of a familiar place or business? Are you financially handicapped and confused? Is your socio-economic and religiosity stagnated? How about that burning desire you nurse to bring positive change to the lives of others who count on you? 

"I hope that as we reflect and dive deep into ourselves, we will dare to rise above challenging situations. Only then shall we become better, brighter and much BIGGER."



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