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Life is fluid and passing. Across many religious beliefs, no one seems to have a definitive guide to the specific duration of life span of mortal beings. Irrespective of this reality, it is evident that life starts at a point - inception - and physically comes to an end when one draws his or her last breath and is no longer counted among the living. Nonetheless, many theories exist about the spiritual and metaphysical realms in relation to life after death but that is not the focus of this reflection.

Despite the knowledge that life is passing and that we all may pass this way once (except for the beliefs of subjects like reincarnation), most humans tend to live in a state of uncertainty vis-a-vis what the future holds.

Ironically, we live counting on a future whose end no one can tell, constantly struggling to find purpose and trying hard to fit into acceptable standards of excellence as determined by society and culture as well as unceasingly desiring to be and feel recognised. No one wants to depart this earth as " a nobody".

On the one hand, this quest for acceptance and identity remains a driving force that propels many individuals to be achievers in life. On the other hand, this same quest sometimes drives people into a state of constant mental, emotional and psychological distress. Regardless of the efforts they make in a bid to be accepted by others, they have nothing to show for their hard work. Instead, they live and die unrecognized - well except by their families in some cases.

Suffice to say that no matter how decorated a person may be in his or her lifetime, at the end of their journey, that is, in death, they too eventually are forgotten in almost all cases. First, by society and consequently even by their friends and family members. Even if close relatives deal with the loss for the rest of their lives, they often learn to live with the pain and move on in life.

No wonder after most burial services at least in most parts of Ghana, there is some sort of refreshments or eating and drinking session for the mourners including the bereaved family.

You then ask, “is it worthwhile to live in the stress and insatiable quest to be somebody and win at something in life? Well, I would say, “Definitely yes! Why not if you can afford it?”

However, the most important philosophy for me is that, individuals need to be themselves and live meaningful lives not only in the struggle to be "seen" but by making memorable impact in the lives of others especially the desolate or the downtrodden. 

When that is achieved, at the time of our death, our material accomplishments may be quickly forgotten but the lasting impact we made on the lives of others far and around us will propel them to continue the chain of goodness.

“Perhaps only by impacting the lives of others, will our person be engraved far beyond the lips of people to the hearts of generations yet unborn”.


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