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The subject of being pressured to consider life as a competitive race is one which cannot be overemphasized. Although it is one which is often spoken about at various places including seminars, conferences, workshops, in homes and schools, it remains one area that society just cannot get past approaching positively.

It is common to be asked some of these personal questions in rather upsetting ways: When are you getting married? How many children do you have now? Where do you work? Often, these questions are asked out of curiosity with a view of measuring our success in life or perhaps just to mock us because of the perceived delays defining certain aspects of our life.

I dare ask, who actually determines what is delay and progress in life? What is the standard of measure of success in life? Why do we equate accomplishments in life to marriage, occupation, childbirth, net worth, social status among many others? Ironically, one will barely come across acquaintances who would ask; how can I help make your life better than it currently is... Usually we are just so eager to hear negative news!

Unfortunately, we may be driven to succumb to this unfounded pressure and belittle ourselves and our achievements just because we might not have attained height A or B as our childhood friends, colleagues, church members and even siblings. The end result of such distressful thoughts is the negative impact it has on the emotional and mental well-being of the person(s) involved.

While one may make such queries and leave the scene, the individual in question is left to journey on a road of self-doubt, self-pity or blame and even self-condemnation. What we fail to realize or perhaps we just refuse to acknowledge is that, life is not a race at all. Every individual was born with a unique mission, purpose and destiny. No one has the moral right to make anyone feel less of an accomplished person based on the expectations set by them or society for the individual.
  1. Who is attacking your person currently based on their perceived expectation and vision for you
  2. Do they really have the right to question your worth as much as you have given them space to?
  3. Have you ever considered that they probably are just afraid that you are a powerhouse and intimidated by you?
Dear friend, by all means, shake off any pressure being set for your life and shine at your own pace! You owe no one an explanation for your life and other business.

Some studies have shown that happy people are those who live free of societal burdens and define their own conditions of success and growth in life. I therefore urge you to live your best life in peace and be your own unique self always.


  1. Interesting thoughts.
    I love the part where we should rather seek to help people make their lives better rather than just being inquisitive about one’s position on the ladder of life.
    Bless you Counsellor

  2. Thank you for your contribution. Bless you too


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