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Contentment is a state of being happy or satisfied as a result of what one has accomplished. One’s achievements can be educational, financial or socio-economic and politically related. However, there is no specific measure of what height one needs to attain in terms of financial, socio-economical, educational, political, or probably marital status to be considered as content in life.

Contentment does not necessarily mean that all things are in place concerning you. However, it means that you are satisfied with your life as it is. Sometimes, it relates to situations or instances where you have given the best of yourself to your circle of influence and possibly extending similar support to others in the community. Indeed, your ideal contentment is exclusively known to you alone.

To attain any state of contentment in life, one has to consciously be in control of his or her life independent of public opinion. Everyone needs to define what contentment means to him or her because it is a very unique and dynamic concept. For some, contentment may stem from their financial, educational, marital, parental, occupational, socio-economic conditions while for others, contentment is matched by being alive and in good health. For such persons, their contentment is not hinged on material acquisitions or earthly possessions but rather being of sound mind and body.

Every individual has varied purpose and life goals but I have come to believe that ultimately, to be alive and in good health may be one of the most underrated measure of contentment. I am of this position because nothing is late when life is long and especially when one is in good health with a sound mind, body, soul and spirit. Having all one’s senses function satisfactorily is a great privilege that must be cherished. With life and good health comes motivation, hope, passion and above all the will to excel in all aspects of life. Excellence, I hope should not only be evaluated based one's socio-economical, educational, occupational or political gain but on the impact one is able to make in the lives of others who may never be able to repay.

To be content means the ability to live within your means without envy, jealousy, bitterness or hatred for the achievements of others. Being content helps to keep you focused, purposeful and determined to attain the best gains life has to offer you without offending others in your wake

A life of contentment is synonymous to positivity in all your endeavours hoping that every situation will turn for the best regardless of the prevailing conditions.

Contentment is understanding yourself and the world around you knowing that you can only do as much as you are able because the world will never stop having challenging situations. It is identifying that as humans exist, there will always be issues that need to be resolved. We, therefore, have to be of positive spirit and understand that no mortal is all knowing about the future; thus one can only live one day at a time and hope for the best.

Work hard and be determined to be content in every good way imaginable!


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