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Every human makes mistakes which I refer to as unfortunate consequences and turn of events in life choices, decisions and actions. Unfortunate consequences may stem from decisions, actions or choices made from a misguided or wrong act of judgement or an ignorant stance. 

In other words, they are events that took place due to lack of adequate information regarding the repercussions they pose to the affected individual and others concerned. No mortal can accurately predict what the future holds; therefore, no one will ever be 100% certain on whether or not his or her choices are entirely accurate enough to ensure a problem-free future. Mistakes are, therefore, indisputable aspects of human nature that no mortal can claim immunity to.

This means that when actions and decisions taken do not yield the most favourable results, the individual must not spend too much time, energy and resources on regrets about the miserable happenings. Indeed, some incidents have produced moral, spiritual, social, psychological, financial and physical consequences which are truly unfortunate and every individual must earnestly strive to avoid such occurrences at all times.

However, the fallible nature of humanity may cause us to make some choices that are not the ideal. That is not to say that such choices are by themselves entirely wrong as sometimes it is out of such situations that misfortunes are positively transformed, destinies are changed and newness is achieved. It is, therefore, not enough reason to remain in a place of unfortunate consequences.

Mind you, the mistakes have taken place in the past, a time that cannot be gotten back. Time is ever evolving and will not remain stagnant. Likewise, unfortunate consequences of wrong or misguided choices we made are in the past. Unless we decide to carry them on with us into the present and future, we have the power to change the narrative.

Being in a state of remorse over mistakes of life is permissible. However, beyond that state of remorse must arise the will to cause a reformation. The reformation must be sustained through unshakable resilience and courage. It must involve the possibility to create the right path and make more informed choices and sound judgements.

Unfortunately, I have observed people remain fixated and deeply intoxicated in the place of misguided decisions and choices so much that they are unable to make any meaningful progress in life. Others succumb to the resulting negative implications and live miserably till their death. The third group I recommend strongly to you is that group that admits that indeed things have gone wrong, show remorse and make a decision to cause a difference in the discourse.

That resilient group decides to challenge the situation and sets the tone to overturn the unfortunate happenings into a positive result. They make the intricate efforts to improve their situation and shine again. They dissociate from unpleasant and unproductive influencers and march forward into the future. Poised to make the best out of their situation, they learn, unlearn and relearn the strategies of life in their quest to unleash their potentials. They are those who never say die! They do not give up because they accept that tomorrow will come and they will try again until they achieve their positive aspirations.

Sometimes they revisit the past to remind themselves of their fall due to unfortunate happenings of their past and that's okay. The comforting news is that it's all in the past, a place they do not reside anymore and will aspire never to remain. That category is the one I hope you remember to emulate here.

Yes, it happened! So? It may be easier said than done but you need to make a conscious effort to let it go and focus on the transformative new version of yourself. You can achieve greater exploits looking forward than going back or marking time at the same spot. The past is gone and you do not reside there anymore; thus, it can haunt or hurt you only as far as you will allow it. What do you choose?


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