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A common feature among people is the tendency to make assumptions in life about others, situations, events. An assumption may be defined as anything that is accepted or expected to be true and is therefore considered as such without any real proven fact to support the claim.

Assumptions are usually based on speculations, presumptions and unverified hypotheses about people, places, issues or events. Some assumptions may be developed based on pre-existing conditions, studied patterns or preconceived notions. Assumptions which are widespread and therefore taken as facts of issues are carried far and wide among a populace.

Notable effects of assumptions are misrepresentations, misinformation, misjudgements and misappropriation of actual facts relating to a person, place or event. Unfortunately, these assumptions treated as facts are often held for a long period of time. The longer and wider the assumptions are circulated as facts, the more the harm it causes individuals and the society at large.

Sadly, most individuals are reluctant to validate information or news presented to them. They are more interested in believing second-hand information in hindsight with little or no interest to cross-check and verify the information given them. The inability to ascertain the information we are given is crippling and it is a source of destruction which can cause social unrest and anarchy. 

In more intimate or smaller social settings, assumptions can considerably affect work or service output and negatively impact relationships. 

Minute issues which could have been easily resolved can lead to an end of a good relationship or business engagement due to unverified information.

In actuality, one way of avoiding assumptions is to ensure that communication is as explicit as practicable in instances of interactions or engagements either verbal or non-verbal or both. Thus, there should be no room for ambiguity or unclarity; every communication should be precise and closed. 

Closing every conversation or discussion on an issue helps each participant knowing clearly what has been discussed or agreed on and what to do next.


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