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In the discourse about the subject of integrity, focus is usually placed on the aspect of it being a virtue of honesty driven by a strong will. In other words, we may say that a person purported to have integrity is someone who has strong moral principles. In most instances, the description of integrity ends there.

An interesting dimension to the personality of an individual with integrity bothers on the individual’s ability to be firm on his or her position and decision regarding issues of interest to him or her. Such individuals refuse to change their stance irrespective of any coercion or circumstances they may have to endure in upholding those morals.

Perceiving integrity from the above angle therefore is quite thought-provoking. It draws attention to the question of how much integrity we have as individuals. Before we rush to claim that we are high-scoring in issues of integrity, we need to sincerely assess our ability to stand firm in taking decisions on pertinent issues of interest in various social settings. Are we able to uphold integrity at home, the workplace, in the church, at school and other places irrespective of the opposition and injustice we may suffer?

In the face of tempting benefits which may not particularly be morally acceptable, are we able to exercise integrity and reject them or we succumb to pressure and waiver our position? There is no doubt that it is easier to be aligned with the majority who may not necessarily be doing what is right than to stand alone for fairness and justice.

Undoubtedly, having integrity may be a lonely path one has to tread as it is laden with the possibility of losing "the good things" to others who choose the easier path. It is one that takes enormous courage, strong will and the conviction to do what is right irrespective of the circumstances that may threaten one's income, alliances and life.

The beauty of honour versed in a life of integrity is that it pays in building an enviable reputation for the individual. Even if this is not achieved in one's immediate situation, it is a bill that is certainly served at the right places. You may not be appreciated or acknowledged for being a person of integrity today but as you go about life, your inevitable record of integrity will be a shining light that goes mightily ahead of you.

I wish you strength as you choose integrity over compromise in every situation no matter the promises of luxury you may need to forfeit.


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