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In a publication dated October 13, 2023 on the Share of global population affiliated with major religious groups 2022, Einar H. Dyvik revealed that in 2022, around 31.6% and 25.8% of the global population were identified as Christians and Muslims respectively. This was followed by 15.1% Hindus. According to the 2010 Population and Housing Census conducted by the Ghana Statistical Service, approximately 71% of Ghanaians are Christians, 18% Muslims, 5% adhering to indigenous or animistic religious beliefs, and 6% belonging to other religious groups or has no religious beliefs. Smaller religious groups include Baha’is, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, and followers of Shintoism, Eckankar, and Rastafarianism. This invariably means that globally as well as in Ghana, Christians as a single religious group form the majority of the population.

The Christian denominations in Ghana include Roman Catholic, Methodist, Anglican, Mennonite, Presbyterian, Evangelical Presbyterian Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, Christian Methodist Episcopal, Evangelical Lutheran, Eden Revival Church International, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Seventh-day Adventist, Pentecostal, Baptist, Eastern Orthodox, African independent churches, the Society of Friends, and numerous nondenominational Christian groups, including Pentecostal and Charismatic churches.

This proliferation of churches should be good news for the community of the Christian faith because majority of believers should equate to a nation where Christian virtues abound. However, I dare say that this is sadly not the case. This is not to imply that the Church, that is the body of Christ (formed by individual believers) are not playing any role to make the world a better place; quite far from that. We have seen and continue to witness the church contribute meaningfully to social interventions such as provision of schools, hospitals and portable water as well building infrastructure for inmates in our prisons.

That notwithstanding, it is observed with concern how Christians seem to be diverting from the Christ given mandate of seeking God, not sin (Amos 5:4), fearing God, not men (Proverbs 19:23), loving God and not the world (1 John 2: 15-17), believing God and not mortal deceivers (John 8:44), obedience to God not your appetites (1 Corinthians 9: 24- 27), service to God not self (Isaiah 6:8) and worshipping God and not seeking comfort (Habakkuk 3: 17-18). In short, the passion to sincerely save lost souls, the greatest commission (Mat. 28: 19 - 20) is lost.

It is worthy to note that the concept of spirituality and religion as well as denominationalism are very distinct and need to be perceived in their own right. One can be enormously pious in religious practices of a denomination but can be spiritually defunct.

To be Christ-like is a call to have a character of love (1 Cor. 13:13), honesty (Prov. 11:3), sexual morality (1 Cor. 6: 18 – 20), trustworthiness (Titus 2:7), kindness (Gal 6:10), faith (Prov. 3: 5 – 6), hope (Rom. 12: 12), charity (Heb. 13: 16), responsibility (Gal. 6:5) and compassion (Gal. 6:2). Others include justice, fairness, humility, steadfastness and forgiveness. The beauty of being a disciple of Christ is the commitment it drives the individual to make as a positive spirited believer who strives daily to be a positive influence in the lives of all humanity.

In the Christian community, sin abounds, righteousness has become insignificant, the vulnerable are abused, hypocrisy thrives and injustice is constantly served hot. Oppression is the new normal, the character of Christ is missing and the hunger and thirst for God and His righteousness has been forsaken by the Church.

Loyalty to specific denominations has won first place in the hearts of many Christians who have become more religious than spiritual. The Church is run as a business where social class and status define how fellowship is carried out. The Church is constantly losing its place of authority, love, righteousness, morality, tolerance, patience, diligence and integrity and has become a den for ritualistic display of godly character. Church leaders and members alike have become disloyal to God and seek personal interests above the teachings of selflessness and servant-hood as taught by Christ. And it is sad, to observe that individually and collectively, believers are straying and voices are silenced.

To turn the tide, every believer has a role to play including you and I. It is possible to go back to the days of the early church where love abound, where fellowship had significance and where God had a dwelling among his people (Acts 4: 32- 35). We can consciously build a church where there are no desolate ones among us. A fellowship where no one is left behind, regardless of the circumstances!

The body of Christ can be a haven of God’s glory if we can put God first above everything else. Denominations do not exist in the Bible – have you ever wondered why? The Christian body can restore truth, justice, love and compassion to humanity – if only we are willing to try. Imagine the reformation the nation will witness should every believer live a spiritually sound and loyal life of sincere allegiance to Christ. Christian, what can we do differently to revive the Church? Are we loyal to God or denominations? As we challenge ourselves to be genuine believers, we give God room to reform the world through us!

Continuously, God works on humanity in the deeds and works of His Church, You and I. Whatever you do every day, let the love and light of God lead.


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